Redesign of the RGPD module of your store!

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now known by all Internet users. This management of…

Is 2021 the Year Cyberattacks Force Privacy Laws to Grow Some Teeth?

Cyberattacks are increasing in frequency, ramping up the data privacy threats they pose to government agencies…

Consumer Password Hassles Linked to Lost Revenue

Online businesses are losing potential customers and substantial amounts of revenue because they’re dependent on traditional…

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning? Ask These Questions

Engaging in disaster recovery requires a company to think about many things, but despite the long…

Hacker Recycles Data on Half a Billion Facebook Users

A rich cache of data on some 533 million Facebook users was posted to a hacker…

How Fixable Is the Unsafe Internet?

The larger the Internet superhighway of information grows; the more users get run over by privacy…